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Bachelor / Master Philosophy-



logo pnk ohneThe Philosophy-Neuroscience-Cognition (German: PNK) course program offers an interdisciplinary perspective on philosophical and scientific aspects of mind and brain. Questions about their functioning and structure are as well addressed as questions about the research methodologies and explanatory standards of the involved scientific disciplines. Expertise in both philosophy and neuroscience is of utmost importance for academic and popular reflections on aspects of the mind/brain, like consciousness, cognition, and emotion, as well as the standards of their scientific investigation. Many philosophical questions today can hardly be addressed without taking into account neuroscientific and psychological findings. At the same time, the field of cognitive neuroscience represents a young scientific discipline whose methods and concepts can benefit from philosophical explications in, for instance, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. Also, questions concerning the consequences of neuroscientific findings for society and how we want to apply new intervention and measurement techniques for therapeutic or juridical purposes can often best be answered with the help of philosophical reflections on their ethical consequences. The OVGU Magdeburg offers a three-year B.A. program followed by a two-year M.Sc. program in PNK. The course language is German.


For more information see:

„Wissenschaft im Rathaus" - Stressbelastung, Konflikte und Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz als Risikofaktoren für psychische und psychosomatische Erkrankungen: Was können wir tun?

17.04.2024 - Am 29. April 2024, um 19 Uhr, spricht Dr. med. Florian Junne (Universitätsklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Magdeburg)

Institutskolloquium Psychologie: Visual information processing in the human brain: The role of lateral occipital cortex in visual context integration

16.04.2024 - Am 23. April 2024, 17.15 Uhr im Geb.22a der OVGU, spricht PD Dr. Ralph Weidner (Research Center Jülich)

Eigenständiger Gedächtnistest per Smartphone kann Vorzeichen von Alzheimer erkennen

27.03.2024 - Digitaler Ansatz soll Weg für bessere Frühdiagnostik bereiten

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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Promoting young researchers

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