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Webinar mit Hao Chen


The next talk in the weekly webinar of the statistics group at the Otto-von-Guericke university will be about detecting structural breaks (i.e. change points and anomalies) for network data and be illustrated on neuropixel data. The talk will take place on Thursday, 28. May 2020, at 17.30, and will be given by Prof. Dr. Hao Chen, UC Davis USA on Change-point analysis for modern data.

Abstract: After observing snapshots of a network, can we tell if there has been a change in dynamics?  After collecting spiking activities of thousands of neurons in the brain, how shall we extract meaningful information from the recording?  We introduce a change-point analysis framework utilizing graphs representing the similarity among observations.  This approach is non-parametric and can be applied to data when an informative similarity measure can be defined.  Analytic approximations to the significance of the test statistics are derived to make the method fast applicable to long sequences.  The method is illustrated through the analysis of the Neuropixels data.

The talk will be held as a webinar and you are cordially invited to take part. We will start with a joint virtual coffee break half an hour before the talk at 17.00. If you are interested to participate, please send a short e-mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! to obtain the login details.


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibnizinstitut für Neurobiologie Magdeburg


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