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Oliver Speck stellt sich vor


Fellow CBBS members,

I am Oliver Speck, heading the Department Biomedical Magnetic Resonance since 2006. That is exactly what I do: Magnetic Resonance Imaging for different applications such as neuroscience or medical technology. I am currently also dean of the faculty for natural sciences and I am affiliated with the LIN and the DZNE.

I was one of 50 founding members of the CBBS in 2007.

While old age in itself is not an achievement, I have continuously and actively participated in the CBBS. I have actively participated in a number of smaller and larger CBBS research activities and thereby cooperated with many of you. This is also documented by about 60 of my publications, which carry CBBS as my affiliation (we introduced this around 2014).

Although I would not call myself a neuroscientist, I work in close collaboration with neuroscientists for over 25 years and see myself as a little more than just an interested layperson.

My core expertise lies in MR imaging, with the exceptional combined possibilities at the OVGU, the medical faculty, the LIN and the DZNE. As many of you know, I try to push this even further to provide novel and even unique imaging infrastructure to the neuroscience researchers in Magdeburg with the projected new 7T connectome MRI. I hope this can trigger an even closer collaboration in the field of imaging between all involved institutions.

Since I am working at the interface between methodological and technical R&D of imaging modalities and their application primarily in neuroscience, I would be very happy to become even more actively engaged in the future CBBS activities and decision making within the board. With my role somewhere between technology and neuroscientific application I would continue to link and interface the CBBS with the more technology-oriented activities in medical engineering (if needed as a kind of friendly double-agent). In particular, I think we should also better support the link between basic science and clinical research by enabling clinician scientists.

Last, not least – I’d be very happy if you vote for me. Otherwise, I think all my fellow candidates are great choices and deserve to be on the board, but please consider the gender balance in the CBBS leadership, which needs to be improved …


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17.04.2024 - Am 29. April 2024, um 19 Uhr, spricht Dr. med. Florian Junne (Universitätsklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Magdeburg)

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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibnizinstitut für Neurobiologie Magdeburg


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